Kip Winger Interview From AXOM 


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TS:  Your new album, "Songs From The Ocean Floor" will definitely surprise your fans with it's "Middle Eastern" influence.  What Brought on this dramatic change in your sound?

KW:  I went to Egypt in '97 and was very influenced by what I heard there.

TS:  Most of your musical influences are from the 1970s.  What do you draw from these influences when writing music?

KW:  Basically I just go on feeling, sometimes something will remind me of a song from the past.

TS:  Things changed for you in the mid 80s when you teamed up with Reb Beach.  Did either of you have any idea what impact your meeting was going to have?

KW:  No, We just knew we wrote good songs together.

TS:  What was it like touring with a legend like Alice Cooper?  How did it come about?

KW:  I recorded some bass tracks on "Constrictor" He asked me to tour It was amazing!

TS:  Winger quickly rose to the top, thanks to hit songs like "Seventeen" and "Miles Away".  What was it like during that rise to the top, and touring with groups like "The Scorpions" and "KISS"?

KW:  It was every kids dream.. One day your a waiter, the next day your selling 30,000 records a day.

TS:  Fans of Winger have always listed "Pull" as the best album Winger released, yet it suffered due to the popularity of grunge.  Do you ever wish it could get a second chance?

KW:  I don't look at life that way. It's just the way it happened.

TS:  Winger hasn't played together since 1993, yet rumors of a reunion have begun to circulate.  Is there any truth to them?

KW:  We thinking about it.

TS:  After a nearly four year break you returned with you first solo album,  "This Conversation Seems Like A Dream".  Where were you during those four years?

KW:  Building my studio and writing songs.

TS:  Your second solo album, "Down Incognito" is acoustic.  What made you decide to do an acoustic album?

KW:  I did alot of acoustic gigs and people wanted to hear it on record.

TS:  Is there any message you would like to convey to all the Kip Winger fans around the world?

KW:  Thanks for hangin in with me and listening!

Interview by Tony Stark.  Photos used with permission, courtesy of