Linnea Quigley Interview From AXOM Online Magazine


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TS: You have starred in a lot of horror films, but moviegoers probably remember you best as “Trash” the Punk Rocker Zombie in “Return Of The Living Dead”.  How did that role and that  movie impact your life and career?

LQ:   I almost did not get a chance for the part because it was cast.  The girl got pregnant and they recast and I was called in and cast. I had no idea the movie would be a hit until about a year after it
was released and I was mobbed at a Fangoria convention in LA. I’m so shocked the movie is a classic, which I’m so happy about.  I was called into meeting because of that character and there was a lot of curiosity.

TS: Linnea Quigley:  Scream Queen, B Movie actress, animal rights activist?  What led you to become a member of PETA and join the animal rights movement?

 LQ:  I always saved strays and helped animals but at about 21 or so I saw documentary called “Hidden Crimes” and I made it my mission to help.   I did not know the cruelty that went on in labs and the military and all sorts of things until I saw this.  I did stuff on my own then found PETA and also Last Chance for Animals in LA and started going to battle.

TS: You have published a book of rather erotic photos, similar to Madonna’s “Sex” book, called the “Skin” book.  What inspired you to do this, and what are your views on sex and nudity?

LQ:   I love parody. I admire Julie Brown since I think she is brilliant and is great at it and also member of PETA and I thought id do something fun like that so Dan Golden and I did it and it took about a year to do photos but it got done and I’m proud of it. Also, Jayne Hamill, who was in “Vice Academy” and also wrote for “The Nanny” did text. The wild women she is we tamed it down a bit, but I love to do fun things like that. Well, nudity is nudity; I don’t like porno but I guess a lot of people do.  If a role calls for it, or someone is ok with it, that’s fine.  I just hate when people take sneak photos and such.  Its up to the individual. 

TS:  Your newest movie project is a film called “Hellquest”.  What is the movie about, and what is your role in it?

LQ:  Its about insanity and greed. I’m either playing the crazy killer or greedy sister, both evil in there own ways and it keeps changing locations. But Angus Scrimm and David Naughton are set.

TS:  You are a dealer for Vegebom skin care products. How did you get involved with the company and what are their products like?

LQ:  I met girl in Los Angeles after I read her tarot cards and we became friends and she had these great pure products from France and I thought I'd let people know about them. They help naturally Shea Butter to protect and soften skin and other to help with bites stings and so forth.

TS:  You also have a band called “The Skirts”!  How is being in all girl rock band different from your other roles?

LQ:  I have stage fright; so going on stage is always scary. I’d rather record which I love. There is a better thrill playing then acting, and I get to write and I get more joy from it.

TS:  Tell us about your new CD, “Surfboards and Chainsaws.  Who are the “Bi-Polar Bears”?

LQ:  The CD was put together in Philly and I had not much time I did few remakes of some of my songs and all. The Bi Polar Bears are the musicians and all.

TS:  Out of the over 70 films you have made; which one is your favorite and why?

LQ:  “Return Of The Living Dead” of course!

TS: You were featured in the comic book “Mari-Cookie and The Killer Tarantula.  What led to you doing this project, and what is the comic about?

LQ: Kevin Collins contacted me at Chiller saying Jess Franco wanted to work with me, and so I said OK; and Michelle was involved too so we did it. The comic is just a comic of the movie, which is bizarre.

TS:  If the people in Davenport, Iowa could see their hometown girl now, what do you think they would say?  What lies ahead for Linnea Quigley?  What do you still want to accomplish?

 LQ:  They would be shocked!  I was so shy.  I never made swim team, cheerleader, glee club, plays, so it’s kind of shocking.

I want to work on animal rights and just be happy. Well, also, I’d like bigger lips, keyless alarm entry and all the cable channels, but of course animal rights. I would love to do a “Terminator” type part or redo “Trash”.   

Interview by Tony Stark.  Photos by permission, courtesy of Linnea Quigley