Vanessa Sanchez Interview From AXOM Online Magazine


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Vicki:  To quote your motto, “Don’t listen to your logic, listen to your heart”.  How has this point-of-view impacted your life?  What is the one most single important event in your life where you chose to follow your heart? 

Vanessa: Before I started working for WCW, I practiced accounting for one of the big five firms.  At a point during my accounting career I decide to start dancing again so I started to take classes and before long I was dancing again professionally, on a part time level.  The firm and I worked out an agreement that I would have a flexible work arrangement, whereby I would still practice accounting and put in my budgeted hours of work at any time I wanted but if a gig came up I could do it as long as it didn't impede the efficiency of the completion of my job.  Well, a booked a theatrical gig in Atlanta but was practicing accounting in Savannah.  In order to keep the gig, I lied and told my boss I was sick and drove to Atlanta, rehearsed for the play, and then drove back to Savannah in the middle of the night.  The whole time I was so stressed out because I was afraid of being caught in a lie.  I decided then that after that summer I would not practice accounting again and persue the thing I really desired to do....entertain.  I haven't analyzed another financial statement since!

Vicki: Also, you’ve stated that your mom is your personal role model.  Given this special mother/daughter relationship, do you one-day plan to have children of your own?  Looking into the future, what advice would you have for your own daughter?

Vanessa: I do plan on having children.  I actually would like to have one child, but my significant other wants five so we compromised on two.  I first would make sure that my daughter was raised as a Christian.  I believe without a spiritual foundation we have no foundation and then turn to life's elements to attempt fill that "void".  I would also expose my daughter to as many things as possible, dance (of course), gymnastics, music (all types), instruments, different countries, and then let her decide what really interests her.  I would then encourage her to find a way to make a living doing whatever it is that is her passionate interest.

Vicki:  Also, do you see yourself as a role model to young women?  And if so, your words of wisdom would be? 

Vanessa:  I don't walk around life every day and say "Well I better act this way or that because Im a role model for children."  I think that people cross our paths for certain reasons and no matter what I do or who I encounter I try to be a good person.  If I encounter someone who I think I may be able to help or steer in the right direction, I do.  I think the true role models of children are inevitably those with whom children have the most contact with, or I guess, who children should have the most contact with:  mother, father, teachers.  I believe that it is up to the parents to act in a manner that is beneficial for the development of their children.

Vicki:  Vanessa, you’re obviously very talented as demonstrated by your wide array of career choices.  You’ve moved from dancing to  accounting and then back to dancing and finally into acting.  How has each career venture helped to prepare you for the next stop up or challenge? 

Vanessa:  I truly believe so.  I think that right out of college I was too immature for the entertainment world.  You have to be very solid and grounded or you can very easily end up getting hurt.  I think entering the conservative accounting world was very beneficial to me because it gave me a chance to grow up.  I currently am persuing an acting career and I think that dancing helps, because its important to be comfortable with your body and with staging.  Dancing basically is acting without words but with movement.  My transition in WCW from Nitro Girl to valet/sometimes wrestler has helped me put into action what I learn in acting class.

Vicki:  Would you say that your decision to pursue a career in dancing was an urge to be in the spotlight, and how did your family react to your decision to involve yourself in the field of professional wrestling as a valet? 

Vanessa:  I really don’t think that its about being in the spotlight for me.  I’m not one who when I go out dresses in a manner that would cause me to be the center of attention, or I don't need to be the center of other peoples conversations.  I think that God has blessed me with a talent and I enjoy using it and I’m proud of myself when I use it well.  A lot of actors have the dream of being a huge star and seeing the face and name in the papers.  I wouldn't say that's my dream.  My dream is to be a highly respected, quality actor that can live a comfortable life, pay for her two kids college education, and leave something for her kids when she's gone.

Vicki:  What is it like to be a young and beautiful  girl in the world of show business?  It must be overwhelming when you realize your enormous fan base.

Vanessa:  I’m very appreciative to have such a wonderful fan base.  At first I guess it was overwhelming.  I remember the first time a fan asked me for an autograph.  I just couldn't get it.  I was thinking "There is no difference between you and me other then my occupation, why do you want my autograph?"  I try to stay very humble and know that the entertainment industry is very unstable.

Vicki:  What are your future plans and goals?  Where can we expect to find you next? 

Vanessa:  As I stated above acting is the lifetime goal.  Right now WCW takes up most of my acting time.  Currently you can see me in Jermain Duprees video from the movie Big Mamas House.  I filmed an independent movie last year called "Severed" where I played the staring female character.  The video has been sold internationally and hopefully will hit the states next year.

Vicki:  You can certainly be proud of all your accomplishments and achievements thus far.  What has been your greatest achievement in life? 

Vanessa:  Passing the CPA exam on the first attempt.

Vicki:  We’ve read that you’re now acting as a wrestling valet  and your on air character is portrayed as a “bad girl”.  Does this in any way reflect the true Vanessa personality?

Vanessa:  Sorry to be dull but no I’m not bad girl at all....Well maybe I used to be back in the day, but not anymore.

Vicki:  When you’re not dancing or acting, how do you kickback and enjoy life?  What are your other interests and hobbies? 

Vanessa:  Lets see last weekend I rollerblading for the second time ever down the broadwalk in Santa Monica and Venice Beach.  That was glorious because I love the ocean.  I went deep sea fishing about a month ago.  I happiest too when I cook, because if Im actually cooking its because I have time to do it, which is a rarity.  I like cooking with jazz music playing in the background, candles lit, and my dog keeping me company.

Vicki:  I know that you worked with the City of Atlanta on the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Year 2000 campaign.  Do you participate in other business and/or civic organizations?  

Vanessa:  Not at this time.  My schedule is booked until year 2001.

Vicki:  What influenced your decision to become a CPA and where did you receive your degree? 

Vanessa:  It was a very "logical" decision.  I knew that I didn't want to be in school forever and I also knew that I wanted to make good money when I finished school.  So accounting was the answer.

Vicki:  We understand that you’ve recently relocated to Los Angeles.  Is it difficult to commute back to Atlanta for weekly wrestling related training? 

Vanessa:  YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is just not way to emphasize that enough.  Its truly killing me and is the objectArt of all my stress from week to week.

Vicki:  Since being a valet, you’ve become more actively involved in wrestling matches.  Do you enjoy this level of direct involvement in the action versus acting as a more passive valet? 

Vanessa:  I do like being physically involved in the matches with the boys.  Im not a fan of having matches with just girls.  Its just does not get as good of a reaction.

Vicki:  Professional wrestling tends to depict women in a very suggestive manner.  Where would you draw the line as valet in relationship to the storyline?

Vanessa:  I'll never do nudity.  Other than that, it depends.

Vicki:  What is your opinion of the Latino influence in professional wrestling?

Vanessa:  I think that the Latin community has brought a great element of entertainment ot the show.  I think that I am Rey Mysterio's and Juvi's biggest fan, and its not just because Im there valet.  The level of talent that those boys have brought to WCW has greatly influenced wrestling as we know it today.  Their high flying moves have inspired talent like 3 Count and the Jung Dragons.

Interview By Vicki Deakins.